Living, Laughing, and Loving Each Other Since 2001

Living, Laughing, and Loving Each Other Since 2001

Clint, Paige & Cash!

You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu

Friday, March 2, 2012

my blog died. . .

to tell you the truth, i actually kind of forgot that I had started a blog. i guess things got really busy around the time i posted last. we had a little growing boy that was becoming more mobile, a wedding to plan, o- and i was losing my mind. I'd like to say that things have slowed down for our little family, but that would be a lie. i guess i have acclimated to life at warp speed, i've definitely picked up the pace. Its been about a year and a half since i last posted. SInce then we have had a lot of life changes!! We got married. . . and celebrated our first anniversay. Cash started crawling, then walking, then runnning, and now he is climbing on tables and getting in his high-chair on his own. Cash has also started chatting us up quite a bit. He loves to stand in his room and yell "MOMMY!" in order to let me know that he is up and ready for my day. One day this week he did this at 5 am, so mommy was a little reluctant to go in there because let's face it- Mommy was not very awake at 5 am. THankfully this was a rare occurence,he normally sleeps until 7-8am. WE BOUGHT A HOUSE! man that was a stressful situation, we put an offer on our house ~Feb 2nd and didn't get an answer back until june! we ended up getting a great house for a pretty decent price, and there is plenty of room to grow. Getting into this house has really taught us a lot. we have tiled, painted, sanded, textured, and drilled every surface in our house, but most importantly we CLEANED. This house was so nasty, the smell, the carpets, there was puke down the walls, animal feces everywhere. Trust me, we are die hards. Clint got a great job at the railroad but then was laid off a couple months later. He is currently working at agrium and making it work until he gets to go back to the railroad. I'm still working at SpineIdaho, but I haven't given up my dream of becoming a midwife. I need to take a deep breath and jump into school full-time, but i've been too scared! I guess it's silly, i'm only getting older. I will make it happen someday because i really think that is what i am meant to do. O- we also added another member to our family -Hefe!! He is a golden retriever mix that we got from the Idaho Falls pound.

Sweet Baby Boy